The domicile of any French person, as regards the exercise of his civil rights, is at the place where he has his principal establishment.
The place of exercise of the civil rights of a person with no stable place of residence is the place where they have elected domicile under the conditions provided for in Article L. 264-1 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles.
Boatmen and other persons living on board an inland waterway vessel registered in France, who do not have the domicile provided for in the previous paragraph or a legal domicile, are required to choose a domicile in one of the communes whose name appears on a list drawn up by order of the Minister of Justice, the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Public Works, Transport and Tourism. However, salaried boatmen and persons living on board with them may be domiciled in another commune provided that the company operating the boat has its head office or an establishment there; in this case, the domicile is fixed at the offices of this company; failing a choice exercised by them, these boatmen and persons have their domicile at the head office of the company operating the boat and, if this head office is abroad, at the Paris charter office.