When an application relating to the exercise of parental authority is lodged before the expiry of the term of the protection measures or when the protection order is made while proceedings relating to the exercise of parental authority are in progress, the measures of the protection order continue to produce their effects until a decision ruling on the application relating to the exercise of parental authority has become res judicata, unless the judge hearing the application decides otherwise. However, measures relating to the arrangements for exercising parental authority and the contribution to the maintenance and education of the children taken pursuant to 5° of Article 515-11 of the Civil Code and ordered prior to the decision ruling, even provisionally, on the application relating to the exercise of parental authority, cease to have effect from the notification of the latter.
As from the commencement of the proceedings relating to the exercise of parental authority, the application for protective measures as well as the applications mentioned in the first paragraph of article 1136-12 shall be presented before the judge hearing these proceedings. The claim shall be lodged, investigated and judged in accordance with the rules of this section and the judge shall rule by separate decision.