In the event of difficulties in carrying out the measure of wearing the mobile electronic anti-rapprochement device mentioned in the article 515-11-1 of the Civil Code, the matter may be referred to the Family Affairs Judge at any time under the conditions of the article 515-12 of the Civil Code, by either of the parties or by the public prosecutor, in order to modify all or part of the measures set out in the protection order.
The wearer of the bracelet and the Public Prosecutor may in particular request that the alert and pre-alert distances be revised, or that the prohibition on contact and the wearing of the bracelet be terminated, if the measure of wearing the mobile electronic anti-contact device results in a large number of alerts, due in particular to contact attributable both to the movements of the wearer and to those of the protected person, thereby excessively infringing the right to respect for the private and family life of the wearer of the bracelet.
They may also request that the protection order be modified in whole or in part.
They may also request that the measure to wear a mobile electronic anti-reconnection device be terminated if the device presents disadvantages for the wearer that have been ascertained by a doctor.
The applications provided for by this article shall be made, investigated and judged in the same way as the initial application.