If the appeal lodged against a decision of the guardianship judge or a deliberation of the family council is rejected, the person who lodged it, with the exception of the judge, may be ordered to pay costs and damages.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code of civil procedure | Book III: Provisions specific to certain matters | Title I: Individuals | Chapter X: Legal protection of minors and adults | Section I: Provisions relating to measures ordered by the judge | Subsection 4: The appeal. | Article 1247 of the French Code of civil procedure
If the appeal lodged against a decision of the guardianship judge or a deliberation of the family council is rejected, the person who lodged it, with the exception of the judge, may be ordered to pay costs and damages.
Si l’appel formé contre une décision du juge des tutelles ou une délibération du conseil de famille est rejeté, celui qui l’a introduit, à l’exception du juge, peut être condamné aux dépens et à des dommages-intérêts.
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