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Article 126-6 of the French Code of civil procedure

Refusal to refer the question relieves the court of jurisdiction of the plea in law based on the priority question of constitutionality.

However, where this refusal was based exclusively on the finding that the contested legislative provision was not applicable to the dispute or to the proceedings in question, the court may, if it intends to apply this provision when considering the case, retract this refusal and refer the question.

Original in French 🇫🇷
Article 126-6
Le refus de transmettre la question dessaisit la juridiction du moyen tiré de la question prioritaire de constitutionnalité.

Toutefois, lorsque ce refus a été exclusivement motivé par la constatation que la disposition législative contestée n’était pas applicable au litige ou à la procédure en cause, la juridiction peut, si elle entend à l’occasion de l’examen de l’affaire faire application de cette disposition, rétracter ce refus et transmettre la question.

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