I. The sums or securities distributed by a mutual fund, excluding the distributions mentioned in 7 and 7a of II of article 150-0 A and the allocation of mutual fund units received as part of a demerger carried out pursuant to the second paragraph of articles L. 214-8-7 and L. 214-24-41 of the Monetary and Financial Code, constitute income from transferable capital received by the unitholders on the date of this distribution.
Sums not distributed to unit-holders of a fonds commun de placement on the date of its absorption, carried out in accordance with current regulations, by another fonds commun de placement or by a société d’investissement à capital variable (open-ended investment company) are taxed when they are allocated or distributed by the absorbing entity.
These provisions are applicable in the event of the demerger of a fonds commun de placement in accordance with current regulations.
II.-Mutual fund managers are required, where applicable, to deduct at the date of distribution and pay to the Treasury the withholding tax provided for in article 119 bis and the levies provided for in articles 117 quater and 125 A which are due in respect of their respective share by unit holders.
III. A decree lays down the tax obligations of managers of unit trusts with regard, in particular, to the declaration of sums or securities allocated to each unitholder.