The withholding tax provided for in 1 of l’article 119 bis et du prélèvement prévu au I de Article 125 A:
1° and 2° (Obsolete provisions);
3° The proceeds of bond loans contracted before 1 January 1965 by public housing offices and by low-income housing companies and foundations under the conditions set by article 5 of the law of 27 July 1934, as well as the annuities paid by the State, pursuant to the said article ;
4° Interest, arrears and other proceeds from bonds issued before 1 January 1965 under the provisions of article R 431-49 of the Code de la construction et de l’habitation instituting interest-rate subsidies, by the Offices publics de l’habitat and by the sociétés d’habitations à loyer modéré et de crédit immobilier governed by Title I and Title II of Book IV of the same code as well as by the unions constituted by these offices and these companies pursuant to Articles 5 and 6 of the law of 13 July 1928.