I. – In the rural revitalisation areas mentioned in article 1465 A, the municipalities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation with their own tax authority may, by means of a general decision taken under the conditions provided for in I of l’article 1639 A bis, exempt the housing referred to in 4° of l’article L. 831-1 of the French Construction and Housing Code, which are acquired and then improved with financial assistance from the Agence nationale de l’habitat by individuals with a view to their rental.
The exemption applies from the year following that in which the improvement work is completed. It definitively ceases to apply from 1st January of the year following a continuous period of at least twelve months during which the dwellings have no longer been rented.
The deliberation concerns the entire share due to each commune or public establishment for inter-communal cooperation with its own tax status.
II. – To benefit from the exemption provided for in I:
1° The subsidy decision must be made within a maximum of two years from the year following that of the acquisition of the housing;
2° Those liable for property tax on built-up properties must meet the reporting obligations mentioned in the last paragraph of I of article 1384 C.