The rental value of premises allocated exclusively to the accommodation of seasonal agricultural employees under the conditions provided for by Article L. 716-1 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code, as well as accommodation for apprentices, whose status is governed by the provisions of Book II of Part Six of the Labour Code, under the conditions set out in article 6 of law no. 89-462 of 6 July 1989 aimed at improving rental relations and amending the loi n° 86-1290 du 23 décembre 1986, is calculated pro rata to the length of time the premises were used to accommodate employees and apprentices in the year preceding the year in respect of which the tax is assessed; employees are taken to mean persons other than the owner of the accommodation, his or her spouse, members of the tax household, ascendants and descendants of the farmer.
The benefit of the provisions of the first paragraph is subject to compliance with the reporting obligations set out in Article 1388 quater.