1. The parent company tax regime, as defined in Article 216, is applicable to companies and other bodies subject to corporation tax at the standard rate which hold equity interests satisfying the following conditions:
a. The equity securities must be in registered form or be deposited or registered in an account held by one of the following intermediaries:
– intermediaries authorised to carry out custody account-keeping activities for financial instruments mentioned in 2° to 7° of Article L. 542-1 of the monetary and financial code;
– credit institutions authorised to carry on in the European Union the activity of safekeeping and administration of securities mentioned in 12 of Annex I to Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions and to the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms, amending Directive 2002/87/EC and repealing Directives 2006/48/EC and 2006/49/EC, as well as investment firms authorised to carry on in the European Union the activity of safekeeping and administration of financial instruments on behalf of clients referred to in Section B(1) of Annex I to Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and Directive 2011/61/EU ;
– intermediaries authorised to carry out custody account-keeping activities which, on the one hand, are located in another State or territory that has entered into an administrative assistance agreement with France with a view to combating tax fraud and tax evasion, the stipulations and implementation of which allow the administration to obtain from the authorities of that State or territory the information necessary to verify the conditions for the application of this Article and Article 216 of this Code relating to the nature and duration of custody of the securities and the rights held and which, are subject to professional obligations equivalent to those provided for under 1° of VI of Article L. 621-7 of the Monetary and Financial Code for custody account-keepers other than issuing legal entities;
b. The equity securities must be held in full ownership or bare ownership and must represent at least 5% of the capital of the issuing company or, if this threshold is not reached, at least 2.5% of the capital and 5% of the voting rights of the issuing company on condition, in the latter case, that the participating company is controlled by one or more non-profit organisations mentioned in 1 bis of the article 206 ; this percentage is assessed on the date of payment of the proceeds of the holding.
If, on the date mentioned in the first paragraph, the holding in the capital of the issuing company is reduced to less than 5% as a result of the exercise of stock options under the conditions provided for in article L. 225-183 of the French Commercial Code, the parent company regime remains applicable to it if that percentage is again reached following the first capital increase after that date and within three years at the latest;
c. The equity securities must have been held for a period of two years when the securities represent at least 5% of the capital of the issuing company or for a period of five years when the securities represent 2.5% of the capital and 5% of the voting rights of the issuing company. If the holding period is not complied with, the participating company is required to pay the Treasury a sum equal to the amount of tax from which it has been unduly exempted, plus default interest. This payment is due within three months of the disposal.
When equity securities are contributed under the regime provided for by Article 210 A, the retention period is counted from the date of subscription or acquisition by the contributing company until the date of disposal by the company receiving the contribution.
Securities exchanged in transactions whose profit or loss is not included in the profit or loss for the financial year in which they are realised pursuant to 7 to 7 ter of Article 38 and 2 of thearticle 115 are deemed to be held until the securities received in exchange are sold.
The period mentioned in the first paragraph of this c is not interrupted in the event of a merger between the participating legal entity and the issuing company if the transaction is placed under the regime provided for in article 210 A.
Securities lent, repoed or given as collateral under the conditions provided for in articles 38 bis to 38 bis-0 A bis may not be taken into account by the parties to the contract in question for the application of the regime defined in this article. Similarly, the securities referred to in article 38 bis A shall not be taken into account for the application of this regime.
Securities that the settlor has transferred into a fiduciary estate under the conditions provided for in article 238 quater B are taken into account for the assessment of the capital holding threshold mentioned in b of this 1 and are subject to the regime provided for in this article on condition, where voting rights are attached to the securities transferred, the settlor retains the exercise of these rights or the trustee exercises these rights in the manner determined by the settlor, subject to any limitations agreed by the parties to the contract establishing the trust to protect the financial interests of the creditor or creditors benefiting from the trust. The holding period referred to in the first paragraph of c is not interrupted by the transfer of the securities to the trust assets.
For the application of the first paragraph of this c, in the event of a merger or demerger without exchange of securities within the meaning of 3° of II of Article L. 236-3 of the French Commercial Code placed under the regime provided for in Article 210 A of this Code, the securities of the absorbed or demerged company are deemed to have been held by the participating company from the date of their subscription or acquisition until the date of the sale of the securities of the absorbing or beneficiary company.
However, where the sale of shares in the acquiring or receiving company takes place less than two years after the merger or demerger, it is deemed to relate to shares in the company being acquired or demerged up to the number of shares sold, to which is applied the ratio between the market value of these shares and the sum of this same value and the market value of the shares in the acquiring or receiving company on the day of the merger or demerger, up to the number of securities held on that date, and is deemed to relate to the securities of the acquiring or receiving company up to the amount of the remaining securities transferred.
Where, pursuant to the eighth paragraph of this c, the conditions of duration and holding threshold are not met, on the date of the disposal, for the securities of the absorbed or split company or those of the absorbing or beneficiary company, the parent company tax regime is not applicable to the securities that do not meet these conditions.
These provisions also apply in the event of a disposal within five years of the merger or demerger by the parent company of securities of the absorbing or beneficiary company where the application of the parent company tax regime is subject to compliance with a minimum shareholding threshold of 2.5% of the capital and 5% of the voting rights as defined in the first paragraph of this c.
2. to 4. (Repealed for the determination of results for financial years beginning on or after 1 January 1993).
4. bis and 5. (Repealed).
6. The parent company tax regime does not apply:
a) To income from shares in investment companies;
b) To income from securities in a company, to the extent that the profits thus distributed are deductible from the taxable income of that company;
c) (Repealed);
d) To income from securities in a company established in a non-cooperative State or territory, within the meaning of the article 238-0 A other than those mentioned in 2° of 2 bis of the same article 238-0 A, unless the parent company provides proof that the operations of the company established outside France in which the shareholding is held correspond to actual operations that have neither the purpose nor the effect of allowing, for the purpose of tax evasion, the localisation of profits in an uncooperative State or territory ;
e) Income from shares in real estate companies entered as inventory in the assets of companies that carry on a property dealer’s business, within the meaning of 1° of I of the article 35 ;
f) Dividends distributed to shareholders of real estate companies for commerce and industry and deducted from the exempt profits mentioned in the penultimate paragraph of 3° quater of the article 208 ;
g) To dividends distributed to shareholders of sociétés agréées pour le financement des télécommunications mentioned in article 1 of the amended finance law for 1969 (n° 69-1160 of 24 December 1969) and of companies which redistribute dividends from a société immobilière pour le commerce et l’industrie in application of the last paragraph of 3° quinquies of article 208 ;
h) Net income and capital gains distributed by venture capital companies exempt pursuant to 3° septies of the same Article 208;
i) Profits distributed to shareholders:
– of listed real estate investment companies and their subsidiaries mentioned in article 208 C and deducted from profits exempted pursuant to the first paragraph of II of the same article and not reintegrated pursuant to IV of the said article;
– of foreign companies having an identical activity to those mentioned in the same article 208 C and which are exempt, in the State in which they have their effective management headquarters, from that State’s corporation tax;
j) To income and profits distributed to shareholders of open-ended real estate investment companies mentioned in 3° nonies of article 208 and to those of their subsidiaries having opted for the regime provided for in II of article 208 C;
k) (Repealed)
7. (Repealed);
8. (Transferred under paragraph 6 d above);
9. A holding held pursuant to Articles L. 512-47, L. 512-55 and L. 512-106 of the Monetary and Financial Code or the article 3 of law no. 2006-1615 of 18 December 2006 ratifying order no. 2006-1048 of 25 August 2006 relating to sociétés anonymes coopératives d’intérêt collectif pour l’accession à la propriété, which meets the conditions for entitlement to the parent company tax regime other than that relating to the percentage of share capital held by the issuing company, may be entitled to this regime when its cost price, assessed collectively or individually for the entities referred to above, is at least equal to €22,800,000.