I. – Subject to the provisions of II, the following are exempt from cotisation foncière des entreprises:
1° Agricultural cooperative companies and their unions and agricultural collective interest companies that employ no more than three employees or that are dedicated:
housing or rural development;
agricultural equipment;
artificial insemination;
animal and plant disease control;
packaging fruit and vegetables;
and organising auctions ;
2° Agricultural and wine cooperatives, for their activities other than winemaking and irrespective of the marketing method employed, where the corresponding salaried workforce does not exceed three people;
3° The following organisations, which may join the mutual agricultural credit unions by virtue of the legislative and regulatory provisions governing mutual credit and agricultural cooperation:
associations syndicales qui ont un objet exclusivement agricole;
syndicats professionnels agricoles, à condition que leurs opérations portent exclusivement sur des produits ou instruments nécessaires aux exploitations agricoles elles-mêmes;
breeding societies, agricultural associations recognised by law and dependent on the Ministry of Agriculture, whose purpose is to promote agricultural production, as well as their unions and federations;
chambers of agriculture;
4°Local agricultural mutual insurance funds governed by Article L. 771-1 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code which have no more than two paid employees or agents.
5° Companies producing biogas, electricity or heat through methanisation and meeting the conditions set out in Article L. 311-1 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing Code.
The number of employees is assessed in accordance with the procedures set out in I of article L. 130-1 of the Social Security Code. By way of derogation from the same I, the period to be used to assess the number of employees is the penultimate year preceding the year of taxation. When a company already benefiting from the exemption provided for in this article notes a crossing of the workforce threshold mentioned in 1°, 2° or 4° of this I determined in accordance with the procedures provided for in II of Article L. 130-1 of the Social Security Code, this circumstance causes it to lose the benefit of this exemption.
II. – The exemption provided for in 1° and 2° of I is abolished for:
a) Agricultural cooperative societies, their unions and agricultural collective interest companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market or offered to the public on a multilateral trading facility subject to the provisions of II of article L. 433-3 of the Monetary and Financial Code or at least 20% of whose capital is held by non-cooperating members within the meaning of 1 quinquies of article 207 of this code and holders of cooperative investment certificates where the articles of association provide that they may be remunerated ;
b) Agricultural community interest companies in which more than 50% of the capital or votes are held directly or through subsidiaries by members other than those referred to in 1°, 2° and 3° of article L. 522-1 of the rural and maritime fishing code.