I. – For the application of the provisions relating to the business property tax, with the exception of those provided for in Articles 1465 to 1465 B, the extension of an establishment means the net increase in the tax base compared with that of the previous year multiplied, as the case may be, by the annual flat-rate increase coefficient defined in Article 1518 bis or by the coefficient for the annual updating of rental values resulting from the application of the provisions of I and IV of Article 1518 ter.
The coefficients mentioned in the first paragraph of this I are those applicable for the reference year defined in article 1467 A.
The tax base mentioned in the first paragraph of this I means, where applicable, that resulting from the application of article 1647 D.
II. – For the purpose of calculating the net increase in the establishment’s tax base defined in I, no account is taken of the change in the tax base resulting from:
1° Changes in the method of determining the rental value pursuant to articles 1499-00 A or 1500;
2° Changes in the use of the built properties mentioned in I of article 1498;
3° The loss of the benefit of the provisions of III of article 1518 A quinquies;
4° The application of articles 1518 A, 1518 A bis, 1518 A quater ;
5° De l’application des II et III de l’article 1518 ter;
6° De l’application du V de l’article 1478;
7° Pour les établissements au sein desquels sont exercées conjointement une activité imposable et une activité exonérée, de l’évolution de la fraction de la valeur locative imposable;
8° De l’application de l’article 1647 D.