Article 1499 does not apply to the determination of the rental value of property available to businesses that meet the conditions set out in article 19 of law no. 96-603 of 5 July 1996 relating to the development and promotion of trade and craft industries.
Article 1499 does not apply to the determination of the rental value of properties or fractions of properties comprising underground equipment that cannot be dissociated from the compartments of non-hazardous waste storage facilities subject to authorisation in accordance with Title I of Book V of the Environmental Code as from the year following that in which the completion of the final cover of the last compartment of the storage facility has been notified by the operator to the inspection of classified facilities.
The rental value of the property referred to in the first and second paragraphs is determined in accordance with article 1498.
The provisions of this article apply, in the event of cessation of activity, to companies that benefited from the first paragraph, as long as the property is not subject to a new allocation or a new use.
A company that exploits an asset that it does not own and that meets the conditions mentioned in the first paragraph for the first time must inform the owner by 31 December of the year in which it meets these conditions at the latest. The same applies if the company no longer meets these conditions.