A judicial court designated by decree shall exercise concurrent jurisdiction with that resulting from the application of articles 43,52 and 382 of this code for the investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment of the offences provided for in 6° of III of article 222-33 of the Penal Code, when committed with the aggravating circumstance provided for in article 132-76 of the same code, in 4° of article 222-33-2-2 of the said code, when committed with the aggravating circumstance provided for in Article 132-76 or 132-77 du même code, [Dispositions déclarées non conformes à la Constitution par la décision du Conseil constitutionnel n° 2020-801 DC du 18 juin 2020] when they have been the subject of a complaint submitted electronically pursuant to Article 15-3-1 of this code.