In French Guiana and the Department of Mayotte, a special equipment tax is introduced for the benefit of public establishments created pursuant to Article L. 321-36-1 of the town planning code.
This tax is intended to finance the missions of these establishments defined in Articles L. 321-36-1 and L. 321-36-2 of the same code.
The amount of this tax is set, in each department, before 31 December each year, for the following year, by the board of directors of the public establishment within the limit of the ceiling provided for in I of article 46 of law no. 2011-1977 of 28 December 2011 on finance for 2012. For the first year for which the public institution collects the tax, the amount of the tax is set before 31 March of the same year.
The amount mentioned in the third paragraph of this article is distributed, under the conditions defined in I of Article 1636 B octies, among all natural or legal persons liable for property tax on built and unbuilt properties, for council tax on secondary residences and other furnished premises not allocated to the principal dwelling and for business property tax in the municipalities included in the area of jurisdiction of the public establishment.
The tax base is determined under the same conditions as for the communal share or, in the absence of a communal share, under the same conditions as the inter-communal share of the main tax to which the additional tax is added.
L’organismes d’habitations à loyer modéré, les sociétés immobilières d’économie mixte créées en application de la loi n° 46-860 du 30 avril 1946 tendant à l’établissement, au financement et à l’exécution de plans d’équipement et de développement des territoires relevant du ministère de la France d’outre-mer et les sociétés d’économie mixte locales sont exonérés de la taxe spéciale d’équipement au titre des locaux d’habitation et dépendances dont ils sont propriétaires et qui sont attribués sous conditions de ressources. Taxpayers in whose name an assessment of council tax on second homes and other furnished premises not allocated to the principal dwelling is made in respect of these premises are exempt from the additional tax.
The assessments are made and collected, claims are lodged and judged as in matters of direct taxation.
The conditions for the application of this article are set by decree in the Council of State.