For the taxation of the benefits mentioned in article 80 decies, the total amount paid is divided by the number of years for which the contributions were deducted. The result is added to the net overall income for the year of payment. The corresponding tax is equal to the additional contribution thus obtained multiplied by the number of years used to determine the quotient.
The provisions of the first paragraph apply to sums paid to members of the supplementary pension scheme set up by the Union nationale des mutuelles retraite des instituteurs et des fonctionnaires de l’éducation nationale et de la fonction publique who, as part of the conversion of this scheme on 8 December 2001, resigned their status as participating members by exercising their statutory options to buy back under the conditions then in force. However, the amount is divided by the number of years for which contributions were deducted, up to a limit of ten years.
The amount of the contributions is divided by the number of years for which contributions were deducted, up to a limit of ten years.