I.-1° Unless there is a deliberation to the contrary, taken under the conditions provided for in VI of article 1639 A bis, a development tax, intended to provide for the expenses mentioned in articles L. 331-1 and L. 331-2 of the town planning code, is instituted in communes with a local town planning plan or a land use plan.
However, the public establishments for intercommunal cooperation mentioned in 1 of IX of Article 1379-0 bis are substituted for the communes mentioned in the first paragraph of this 1° for the introduction of the development tax ;
2° The communes other than those mentioned in the first paragraph of 1°, the départements and the Ile-de-France region may, by a deliberation taken under the conditions provided for in VI of Article 1639 A bis, institute the tax mentioned in 1° in order to provide, each as far as it is concerned, for the expenditure mentioned in Articles L. 331-1, L. 331-2, L. 331-3 and L. 331-4 of the town planning code.
II.-The public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation mentioned in 2 of IX of article 1379-0 bis with jurisdiction over a local town planning plan may substitute themselves for their member municipalities, with their agreement expressed under the conditions provided for in the II of article L. 5211-5 of the General Local Authorities Code, to institute development tax by deliberation taken under the conditions provided for in VI of article 1639 A bis.
III.-The deliberations mentioned in I and II may not be revoked for a period of three years from the year following that of the deliberation.