I. – Subject to the provisions of Article 1639 A bis, local authorities and competent bodies shall notify the tax departments, before 15 April each year, of decisions relating either to the rates or to the revenue, as the case may be, of direct taxes levied for their benefit.
However, when the communication to local authorities of information essential to the preparation of their budgets, as provided for in articles L. 1612-2 and L. 1612-3 du code général des collectivités territoriales, does not take place before 31 March, the tax authorities are notified within fifteen days of this information being communicated; in the year in which the municipal, general or regional councils are renewed, the notification date is postponed, for the municipal, general or regional councils affected by this renewal, from 15 April to 30 April.
II.- By way of derogation from I, decisions setting the rate of development tax in accordance with article 1635 quater L are taken before 1st July in order to be applicable from the following year. They are notified to the tax authorities within two months of the date on which they were adopted. These decisions remain in force until they are rescinded or amended.
Before 1st March each year, the tax authorities send the local authorities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation that are beneficiaries of the development tax the information concerning the previous calendar year that is required to draw up revenue forecasts, with a view to preparing their budget.
III. – Notification takes place via the prefectural services for local authorities and their groupings and directly in other cases.
Failing this, the taxes may be collected in accordance with the decisions of the previous year.