I. – (Repealed)
II. – 1. The public establishment of intercommunal cooperation resulting from the merger pursuant to article L. 5211-41-3 of the General Local Authorities Code or, when the perimeter of the new public inter-municipal cooperation establishment has been set by decree of the State representative, the municipal councils of the member municipalities or the deliberative body of the public inter-municipal cooperation establishment(s) must, before 1st October of the year of the merger, take the deliberations applicable from the following year with regard to council tax on secondary residences and other furnished premises not allocated to the main dwelling and property taxes throughout the territory.
2. In the absence of deliberations under the conditions provided for in 1, the deliberations adopted by each pre-existing public establishment for intercommunal cooperation are maintained under the following conditions:
a) For their duration and quota when they are taken in application of articles 1382 C bis, 1382 D, 1383,1383-0 B, 1383-0 B bis, 1383 C ter, 1383 D, 1383 E, 1383 F, 1383 H, 1383 İ and 1383 J, of IV of article 1384 A, of the first paragraph of article 1384 B, du III de l’article 1384 C ainsi que des articles 1384 E, 1384 F, 1388 ter, 1388 sexies, 1388 octies, 1394 D, 1395 A, 1395 A bis, 1395 B, 1395 G, 1396 bis et 1647-00 bis et que les dispositions prévues par ces articles sont en cours d’application ou sont applicables pour la première fois l’année suivant celle de la fusion ;
b) For the first year following that of the merger when they are taken pursuant to Articles 1382 B, 1382 C, 1382 E, 1382 G, 1382 H, 1382 İ, 1383 E bis, 1383 G, 1383 G bis and 1383 G ter, du quatrième alinéa de l’article 1384 B ainsi que des articles 1388 quinquies, 1388 quinquies B, 1388 quinquies C, 1394 C, 1395 A ter, 1396,1407,1407 bis, 1407 ter, 1518 A, 1518 A ter et 1518 A quater.
III.- 1. The public establishment of inter-municipal cooperation resulting from the merger in application of article L. 5211-41-3 of the general code of territorial collectivities or, when the perimeter of the new public establishment of inter-municipal cooperation has been set by order of the State representative, the municipal councils of the member communes or the deliberative body of the public establishment(s) of inter-municipal cooperation must take, before 1st July of the year of the merger, the deliberations applicable from the following year in terms of development tax.
2. In the absence of deliberations under the conditions provided for in 1, the deliberations previously adopted by each pre-existing public establishment of intercommunal cooperation are maintained for the first year following that of the merger.