I.-The administrator of a trust defined in Article 792-0 bis of which the settlor or at least one of the beneficiaries is domiciled for tax purposes in France or which includes property or a right situated there, the administrator of a trust defined in article 792-0 bis established or resident outside the European Union when he acquires a property or enters into a business relationship in France within the meaning of article L. 561-2-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code and the director whose tax domicile is in France are required to declare the following information:
1° The creation, modification or extinction, as well as the content of the terms of the trust ;
2° Information relating to the surname, forenames, address, date, place of birth and nationality of the beneficial owners of the trusts, which are understood to be any natural persons having the capacity of administrator, settlor, beneficiary and, where applicable, protector as well as any other natural person exercising effective control over the trust or performing equivalent or similar functions;
3° The market value at 1 January of the year:
a) For persons who have their tax domicile in France within the meaning of Article 4 B, of the assets and rights located in France or outside France and of the capitalised income placed in the trust;
b) For other persons, only of the assets and rights located in France and of the capitalised income placed in the trust.
II.-.The information referred to in I is kept in a register placed under the responsibility of the minister responsible for the budget.
The procedures for applying this article are set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat.