A decree in the Council of State sets the date and conditions under which the provisions relating to property tax on built-up properties, property tax on non-built-up properties and council tax on secondary residences and other furnished premises not allocated to the principal dwelling and ancillary taxes will be applicable in the overseas departments, as well as the necessary adaptation measures.
Decrees in the Conseil d’Etat will set the conditions under which laws no. 73-1229 of 31 December 1973, no. 75-678 of 29 July 1975 and no. 77-616 of 16 June 1977 relating to property tax, council tax and business tax will apply in the overseas departments. They also lay down the adaptation measures required to introduce the reforms that have taken place in mainland France in stages.
A decree lays down the date and conditions under which the provisions relating to the periodic updating of the rental value of built and unbuilt properties will be applicable in the overseas departments, as well as, where applicable, the necessary adaptation measures.
A decree in the Council of State sets the date of entry into force and the adaptations necessary for the application in the overseas departments of articles 1465, 1518, 1518 bis, 1636 B sexies and 1636 B septies.