The centres ask their members for all relevant information and documents in order to carry out, under their own responsibility, an annual examination of the form of the income tax returns and their appendices, turnover tax returns, business value added tax returns and, where applicable, returns of income received abroad, followed by an annual examination of their consistency, plausibility and concordance and a periodic examination of their sincerity in accordance with the procedures defined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. This examination does not constitute the start of one of the procedures mentioned in articles L. 12 and L. 13 of the tax procedures book. The centres are required to carry out concordance, consistency and plausibility checks on their members’ income tax, turnover tax, business value added tax and, where applicable, foreign income tax returns within six months of the date of receipt of the income tax returns by the centre, a period extended to nine months for members subject to a fairness review. Centres are required to send their members an audit report within two months of the end of the audit. Within the same timeframe, a copy of this report is sent by the centre to the business tax department of the member concerned. The models for mission reports and the procedures for sending them to the tax departments are defined by ministerial order. The centres are obliged to dematerialise and teletransmit to the tax departments, in accordance with the procedure laid down by the tax and accounting data transfer system, the certificates they issue to their members, as well as the income tax returns, their appendices and the other documents accompanying them. They must receive a mandate from their members to transmit the information corresponding to their reporting obligations, in accordance with the procedures defined by ministerial decree.