For the determination of the market value used for the assessment of value added tax, in the cases provided for in 4° of 1 of Article L. 59 A of the Book of Tax Procedures, the commission comprises, in addition to the chairman, three agents of the administration, one notary appointed by the chambers of notaries with jurisdiction in the administrative court and three representatives of the taxpayers.
The taxpayers’ representatives are appointed respectively by the departmental federations of farmers’ unions with jurisdiction over the administrative court, the organisations or bodies representing owners of built-up property and the chambers of commerce and industry or the chambers of trades and crafts with jurisdiction over the same area.
The taxpayer may request that one of the taxpayers’ representatives be appointed by a national, regional or local professional or inter-professional organisation or body of his choice. This representative must be a member of this organisation or body or, failing this, hold a salaried position within it.