Subject to the provisions of Article 60, 2° of I of article 827 and 2° of the I of article 828, companies whose sole purpose is either the construction or acquisition of buildings or groups of buildings with a view to their division into fractions intended to be allocated to the members in ownership or in jouissance, or the management of these buildings or groups of buildings thus divided, or the letting on behalf of one or more of the members of the company of all or part of the properties or fractions of properties belonging to each of these members, are deemed, regardless of their legal form, not to have a personality distinct from that of their members for the application of direct taxes, registration duties, land registration tax payable on deeds that give rise to the merged formality pursuant to Article 647, as well as assimilated taxes (1).
In particular, partners or shareholders are personally liable for income tax or corporation tax, as the case may be, on the portion of corporate income corresponding to their rights in the company.