Taxpayers shall receive, no later than 1st March of the year in which the tax relating to the previous year’s income is settled, an advance payment on the amount of the tax benefits provided for in article 199 quater C, to b to e of 2 of article 199 undecies A as well as Articles 199 quindecies, 199 sexdecies, 199 sexvicies, 199 septvicies, 199 novovicies, 199 tricies, 200 and 200 quater B, regularised when the tax is settled, after any various tax credits have been deducted.
This advance payment is equal to 60% of the amount of benefits they were granted when the tax relating to income from the penultimate year was settled. However, for taxpayers covered by II of Article 204 H, this advance payment is equal to 60% of the difference between, on the one hand, the sum of these benefits and, on the other hand, the amount of the relevant tax, resulting from the application of 1 to 4 of I of article 197.
For the application of the second paragraph of this article, the advance payment is calculated on the basis of:
1° The amount of the tax credit provided for in Article 199 sexdecies, after deducting the specific aid provided for in 5° of II of Article L. 133-5-12 of the Social Security Code paid during the penultimate year. When the amount of the specific assistance paid exceeds the amount of the tax credit, the latter is deducted at a value of zero;
>The amount of the tax credit is calculated as follows
2° The amount of the tax credit provided for in article 200 quater B of the present code, after deducting the specific aid provided for in 6° of II of article L. 133-5-12 of the social security code provided during the penultimate year. Where the amount of specific assistance paid exceeds the amount of the tax credit, the latter is deducted at a value of zero.
The amount of the advance payment is deducted from the amount of the tax credit.
The amount of the payment on account, calculated in accordance with the conditions set out in the second to fifth paragraphs of this article, is reduced by the amount of the specific aid mentioned in 5° of II of article L. 133-5-12 of the Social Security Code paid during the first eight months of the year preceding the year in which the payment on account is made, up to the limit of the fraction of the payment on account corresponding to the tax credit provided for in article 199 sexdecies of this code.
The amount of the advance payment, calculated under the conditions provided for in the second to fifth paragraphs of this article, is reduced by the amount of the specific aid mentioned in 6° of II of Article L. 133-5-12 of the Social Security Code received during the first eight months of the year preceding that of the payment of the advance payment, up to the limit of the fraction of the advance payment corresponding to the tax credit provided for in Article 200 quater B of this code.
Taxpayers may apply to the tax authorities, before 1 December of the year preceding that in which the advance payment is received, to receive an amount less than that determined under the conditions set out in the second to seventh paragraphs of this article.
The advance payment is not paid when it is less than the amount set out in article 1965 L.