When it is necessary to request in several departments responsible for land registration, either the registration of the same deed not giving rise to the merged formality and subject to the land registration tax at the fixed rate, or that of the same court decision subject to the tax at the same rate, or the registration of conventional or court mortgages guaranteeing the same debt, the land registration tax and the real estate security contribution are paid in full in the department where the formality is first requested. They are not paid in any of the other departments, provided that the department where the publication was first required is explicitly designated in the requisition filed with the other departments and that a duplicate of the receipt recording full payment of the taxes in the department thus designated is represented.
The service responsible for land registration which has collected the tax and the real estate security contribution is required to issue the applicant with as many duplicates of the receipt mentioned in article 880 and in 3 of Article 1704 as requested.