Where the granting of the tax benefits provided for by articles 199 undecies A, 199 undecies B, 199 undecies C, 217 undecies, 217 duodecies, 244 quater W, 244 quater X and 244 quater Y is subject to the issue of an authorisation by the Minister responsible for the budget, under the conditions defined in these articles, any person who, in order to obtain the aforementioned tax benefits for others, has wilfully provided the administration with false information or has wilfully failed to honour any commitments made to it shall be liable to a fine equal to the amount of the tax benefit unduly obtained, without prejudice to penalties under ordinary law.
Any person who, in order to obtain for another person the tax advantages mentioned in the first paragraph, has engaged in acts, manoeuvres or concealments that have led to the administration taking back the tax advantages shall be liable to a fine, under the same conditions as those mentioned in the first paragraph.