I. – The persons mentioned in Article L. 96 J of the Book of Tax Procedures who make available the software or cash register systems mentioned in the same article are liable to a fine where the characteristics of such software or systems or the intervention carried out have made it possible, through a manoeuvre intended to mislead the administration, for one of the facts mentioned in 1° of Article 1743 by modifying, deleting or otherwise altering a recording stored or retained by means of an electronic device, without preserving the original data.
The fine provided for in the first paragraph also applies to distributors of these products who knew or could not have been unaware that they had the characteristics mentioned in the same paragraph.
This fine is equal to 15% of the turnover from the marketing of these software or cash register systems or the services provided.
II. – The persons mentioned in I are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the recalled duties charged to the companies that use these software and cash register systems in the course of their business and corresponding to the use of these products.