Independent of the penalties incurred, the bouilleur de cru who has removed or allowed to be removed from his premises spirits without a movement permit or with an inapplicable movement permit becomes subject to the professional distillers’ regime for the entire duration of the current and following campaigns. As a result, the quantities of spirits in his possession must be declared and taken in charge or subjected to tax, after deduction of those for which he has provided proof of previous payment of duties.
The benefit of the “bouilleurs de cru” system will be lost definitively and automatically to persons who have:
a. Either been convicted of a felony;
b. been the subject of a regular report followed by a transaction or a final conviction for the clandestine manufacture or transport of alcohol;
c. been the subject of a conviction for public drunkenness or a conviction pursuant to the articles L. 234-1 and L. 234-8 of the Highway Code ;
d. Either been convicted under articles 222-8, 222-10, 222-12, 222-13, 222-14, 227-15 or 227-16 of the Penal Code or a measure withdrawing parental authority pursuant to Articles 378 or 378-1 of the Civil Code.