Registration duties or the land registration tax when it takes the place of these duties and the contribution provided for in article 879, are not subject to restitution once they have been duly collected on deeds or contracts subsequently revoked or cancelled by application of the articles 954 to 958, 1224 to 1230, 1304 and 1304-7, 1654 and 1659 of the Civil Code.
In the event of rescission of a contract on the grounds of lesion, or annulment of a sale on the grounds of latent defects and, moreover, in all cases where there are grounds for annulment, the taxes referred to in the first paragraph levied on the annulled, rescinded or rescinded deed are refundable only if the annulment, rescission or rescission has been pronounced by a judgment or ruling that has the force of res judicata.
An annulment, revocation, resolution or rescission pronounced, for whatever reason, by judgment or decree, shall not give rise to the collection of proportional registration duty and the contribution provided for in article 879.