1. Heirs or legatees are entitled, within the period set out in Article R. 196-1 of the Book of Tax Procedures, to claim, subject to the justifications prescribed in Article 770, the deduction of debts established by the operations of the liquidation of assets or judicial settlement (1), safeguard, recovery or judicial liquidation or by the final settlement of the distribution by contribution subsequent to the declaration and to obtain reimbursement of the duties they may have overpaid.
2. In the event of the death of the debtor of a life annuity or a perpetual annuity constituted between private individuals, his heirs, who are liable for the service of increases pursuant to the loi n° 49-420 du 25 mars 1949 modifiée, peuvent, à partir de la date à laquelle ces majorations sont fixées d’une manière définitive et dans le délai prévu à l’article R. 196-1 du livre des procédures fiscales, déposer une déclaration de succession rectificative en vue de la déduction du passif nouveau et de la restitution partielle des droits.