I. – A. – When they are not taken into account for the assessment of income in the various categories, the sums paid, until 31 December 2022, by a taxpayer domiciled in France within the meaning of Article 4 B, in respect of the first subscription, for a minimum period of twelve months, to a newspaper, a publication with a frequency of no more than quarterly or an online press service recognised pursuant to the article 1 of law no. 86-897 of 1 August 1986 reforming the legal status of the press, when this newspaper or publication is a political and general information press within the meaning of article 4 of law no. 47-585 of 2 April 1947 relating to the status of newspaper and periodical publication grouping and distribution companies or when this online press service has the character of political and general information within the meaning of the decree issued in application of article 1 of the aforementioned law no. 86-897 of 1 August 1986.
A subscription to an online press service is not eligible for the tax credit when it is included in a service providing the grouped digital distribution of online press services or digitised versions of newspapers or periodical publications that do not all have the character of political or general information press, or associated with any other service.
B. – To be eligible for the tax credit, the income of the tax household as defined in IV of article 1417 must not exceed 24,000 euros for one share of the family allowance for the penultimate year preceding that of the first subscription. This limit is increased by 25% for each additional half share.
II. – The tax credit is equal to 30% of the expenses mentioned in I, actually borne by the taxpayer.
It is granted once for the same tax household until 31 December 2022.
The tax credit is charged against income tax after deducting the tax reductions mentioned in articles 199 quater B to 200 bis, tax credits and non-dischargeable deductions or withholdings. If it exceeds the tax due, the excess is refunded.
III. – The sums mentioned in A of I of this article are eligible for the tax credit, provided that the taxpayer is able to produce, at the request of the tax authorities, a receipt in accordance with a model set by the authorities and issued by the organisation from which the first subscription was taken out. The receipt states the amount and date of the payments made, as well as the identity and address of the beneficiaries and the organisation issuing the receipt. It certifies that the newspaper, periodical publication or online press service meets the definition set out in the first paragraph of the same A and that the subscription complies with the conditions set out in the said A.
IV. – In the event of non-compliance with one of the conditions set out in this article or where the subscription referred to in I is terminated before a minimum period of twelve months, the tax credit obtained is subject to a reversal in respect of the year in which one of these events occurs.