I. – Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 202, where a taxpayer liable for tax under the conditions provided for in 1 of that Article becomes, in order to carry on his profession, a partner in a company mentioned in articles 8 and 8 ter or a société d’exercice libéral mentioned in article 2 of law no. 90-1258 of 31 December 1990 relating to the practice in the form of companies of liberal professions subject to legislative or regulatory status or whose title is protected, taxable profits may be determined by disregarding debts acquired within the meaning of the provisions of 2 and 2a of the article 38 and expenses incurred, in respect of the three months preceding the occurrence of the event which gives rise to the application of article 202, and which have not yet been recovered or paid during that same period, provided that they are recorded in the balance sheet of that company.
These provisions also apply, under the same conditions, in the case of transactions referred to in the first paragraph of I of article 151 octies A.
By way of derogation from I of article 202 ter, these same provisions apply when a company mentioned in articles 8 and 8 ter, carrying on a liberal profession, ceases to be subject to the regime provided for by these articles as a result of an option for the regime applicable to capital companies, exercised under the conditions provided for in 1 of article 239.
II. – Where the provisions of I apply, the receivables and payables referred to therein are taken into account in determining the taxable income of the company which collects or pays them, in respect of the financial year in progress on the first day of the month following the three-month period referred to in the first paragraph of that same I or in respect of the year in which they are collected or paid, where the company’s income is determined in accordance with the rules provided for in article 93.
III. – The provisions of I and II apply upon joint election by the taxpayer referred to in I and the companies referred to in II.
IV. – Repealed