I.-For the purposes of this article and articles 205 C and 205 D, the following definitions shall apply:
1° Hybrid arrangement: a situation in which:
a) A payment is made under a financial instrument in respect of which
a) A payment made in respect of a financial instrument gives rise to a deductible expense in the State of residence of the debtor without being included in the taxable income in the State of residence of the beneficiary, where this asymmetry effect is attributable to differences in the tax classification of the instrument or of the payment itself;
b) A payment in favour of the beneficiary is taxable in the State of residence of the debtor without being included in the taxable income in the State of residence of the beneficiary.
(b) A payment to a hybrid entity gives rise to a deductible expense in the State of residence of the payer without being included in taxable income in the State of residence of the hybrid entity, where that asymmetry is attributable to differences in the attribution of payments made to the hybrid entity under the rules of the State of residence of the hybrid entity and the rules of the State of residence of any person having a participation in that hybrid entity;
(c) A payment to an entity with one or more establishments gives rise to a deductible expense in the State of residence of the debtor without being included in the taxable income of that entity, where that asymmetry effect is attributable to differences in the allocation of payments between the head office and the establishment or between two or more establishments of the same entity under the rules of the States in which the entity carries on its activities;
(d) A payment to an establishment gives rise to a deductible expense in the State of residence of the debtor without being included in the taxable income of that establishment in another State because of the non-recognition of that establishment by that other State;
(e) A payment made by an entity to an establishment gives rise to a deductible expense in the State of residence of the debtor without being included in the taxable income of that establishment in another State because of the non-recognition of that establishment by that other State
e) A payment made by a hybrid entity gives rise to a deductible expense in its State of residence without being included in the taxable income of the beneficiary, where this asymmetry effect is attributable to the non-recognition of the payment by the State of residence of the beneficiary;
f) A payment deemed to be made between a hybrid entity and an establishment in another State is not included in the taxable income of the establishment in that other State.
f) A payment deemed to have been made between an establishment and its head office or between two or more establishments gives rise to a deductible charge in the State in which that establishment is situated without being included in the taxable income of the recipient, where this asymmetrical effect is attributable to the fact that the payment is not taken into account by the State of residence of the recipient;
g) Or a double deduction occurs in the State of residence of the recipient, where this asymmetrical effect is attributable to the fact that the payment is not taken into account by the State of residence of the recipient.
g) Or a double deduction occurs;
2° Payment: any right to a transfer of value associated with an amount liable to be paid;
>Person: a natural person or a legal entity.
3° Person: a natural person or an entity;
Residency: the place where a person or entity resides.
4° Residence: the place where a person is considered to have his or her registered office or tax domicile;
5° Debtor: a person who is obliged to make a payment within the meaning of 2°;
>Investor: any person, other than a natural person, who is obliged to make a payment within the meaning of 2°.
6° Investor: any person other than the debtor who benefits from a deduction relating to a hybrid scheme as referred to in g of 1°;
> 7° Establishment: a business operating in the sense of 1°.
7° Establishment: a company operating in France within the meaning of I of Article 209 or an establishment within the meaning of the legislation applicable in the State in which it is located or in that of the registered office of the entity on which it depends or a permanent establishment within the meaning of international double taxation agreements;
8° Inclusion: the taking into account of a payment in the taxable income of the beneficiary pursuant to the rules of his State of residence.
However, for the application of a of 1° of this I, a payment is considered to be included in the taxable income of the beneficiary:
> a) If he has not been taxed in his country of residence.
b) And if this inclusion takes place in respect of a financial year beginning within twenty-four months of the end of the financial year in respect of which the expense was deducted;
9° Double deduction: deduction of the same payment, the same expenses or the same losses in the State of residence of the debtor and in another State. In the case of a payment by a hybrid entity or an establishment, the State of residence of the debtor is that in which the hybrid entity or the establishment is established or situated;
10° Asymmetry effect: a deduction from a payment without a corresponding inclusion in the income of the recipient of that payment, or a double deduction;
11° Hybrid entity: any entity or device which is considered to be a taxable entity by one State and whose income or expenses are considered to be the income or expenses of one or more other persons by another State;
12° Financial instrument within the meaning of a of 1°: an instrument which generates a financial return subject, either in the State of residence of the debtor or in the State of residence of the beneficiary, to the tax rules applicable to debt securities, equity securities or derivatives, including any hybrid transfer;
13° Hybrid transfer: an arrangement whereby a financial instrument is transferred where the underlying return on the financial instrument transferred is considered for tax purposes to be obtained simultaneously by more than one of the parties to the arrangement;
14° Structured arrangement: an arrangement that uses a hybrid arrangement within the meaning of 1° and whose terms include the valuation of the asymmetry effect or an arrangement that has been designed to generate the same consequences as a hybrid arrangement, where the taxpayer cannot demonstrate that he or she or an associated company was unaware of the hybrid arrangement and did not benefit from the resulting tax advantage;
> 15° Reverse hybrid arrangement: an arrangement that uses a hybrid arrangement within the meaning of 1° and whose terms include the valuation of the asymmetry effect or an arrangement that has been designed to generate the same consequences as a hybrid arrangement, where the taxpayer cannot demonstrate that he or she or an associated company was unaware of the hybrid arrangement and did not benefit from the resulting tax advantage
15° Reverse hybrid scheme: a scheme in which one or more associated companies which together hold a direct or indirect interest in at least 50% of the capital, voting rights or rights to the profits of a hybrid entity incorporated or established in a Member State of the European Union, are established in one or more States which treat this entity as a taxable person;
> 16° Associated company of a taxpayer: an associated company of a taxpayer which has a direct or indirect interest in at least 50% of the capital, voting rights or rights to the profits of a hybrid entity incorporated or established in a Member State of the European Union.
16° Associated company of a taxpayer:
a) An entity in which the taxpayer directly or indirectly holds a stake of at least 50% of the voting rights or capital or is entitled to receive at least 50% of the profits;
b) A person who directly or indirectly holds a stake of at least 50% of the voting rights or capital or is entitled to receive at least 50% of the profits
b) a person who directly or indirectly holds at least 50% of the voting rights or capital of the taxpayer, or who is entitled to receive at least 50% of the profits of the taxpayer;
> c) an entity in which a person holds at least 50% of the voting rights or capital of the taxpayer or who is entitled to receive at least 50% of the profits of the taxpayer
c) An entity in which a person, who directly or indirectly holds an interest of at least 50% of the voting rights or capital of the taxpayer, also holds an interest of at least 50% of the voting rights or capital;
d) Or an entity that is part of the same consolidated group as the taxpayer within the meaning of 2° of VI of Article 212 bis, an undertaking over whose management the taxpayer exercises significant influence or an undertaking that exercises significant influence over the taxpayer’s management.
For the purposes of a, b and c of this 16°, a person acting jointly with another person in respect of the voting rights or ownership of the capital of an entity is deemed to hold an interest in all of the voting rights or ownership of the capital of that entity that are held by the other person.
For the hybrid schemes referred to in a or f of 1°, the 50% threshold referred to in a, b and c of this 16° is replaced by the 25% threshold.
II.-1. A hybrid scheme within the meaning of a of 1° of I shall not be deemed to be a hybrid transfer carried out by a person whose professional activity consists of regularly buying or selling financial instruments on his own behalf in order to make a profit, where this transfer is carried out as part of his usual activities, outside the case of a structured scheme, and the income received in respect of this transfer is included in his taxable income.
2. The situations referred to in 1° of I are not considered to be hybrid arrangements where the asymmetry effect does not arise, except in the case of a structured arrangement, between a taxpayer and an associated company, between associated companies of the same taxpayer, between the head office and an establishment or between two or more establishments of the same entity.
III.-1. Where a payment made under a hybrid arrangement referred to in a to f of 1° of I gives rise to:
> a) A deductible expense for the taxpayer’s taxable income.
a) An expense deductible from the basis of assessment for corporation tax under the conditions of ordinary law, without being included in the results subject to a tax equivalent to corporation tax in the State of residence of the beneficiary, this expense is not allowed as a deduction ;
For the application of the first paragraph of this a, when a payment, made in the context of a hybrid scheme mentioned in a of 1° of I, has not been included in the beneficiary’s taxable income at the end of the period provided for in b of 8° of the same I, the reintegration of the expense in the income subject to corporation tax under the conditions of ordinary law is carried out in respect of the last financial year which began during the twenty-four months following the end of the financial year in respect of which this expense was initially deducted ;
b) An expense deducted from income subject to a tax equivalent to corporation tax in the State in which the debtor is resident; this payment is added to the income subject to corporation tax under the conditions of ordinary law.
2. In the case of a hybrid arrangement referred to in g of 1° of I:
a) The expense is not deductible from the income of the investor established in France;
> b) Where the investor is established in France, the expense is deductible from the income of the investor established in France.
b) Where the investor is established in another State which allows the deduction of the charge, the latter shall not be allowed as a deduction from the income of the debtor established in France;
These provisions shall not apply where the investor is established in another State which allows the deduction of the charge, the latter shall not be allowed as a deduction from the income of the debtor established in France.
These provisions do not apply where the double deduction relates to income subject to double inclusion in respect of the same financial year or in respect of a financial year which begins within twenty-four months of the end of the financial year in respect of which the expense was initially deducted.
For the application of a and b of this 2, the reintegration of the expense in the income subject to corporation tax under the conditions of ordinary law is carried out in respect of the last financial year which began during the twenty-four months following the end of the financial year in respect of which this expense was initially deducted.
3. Where a payment deductible from income taxable for corporation tax in France offsets another payment relating to a hybrid device, directly or indirectly, through a transaction or series of transactions entered into between associated companies of the same taxpayer or through a structured device, the deduction of the expense corresponding to this first payment is not allowed.
However, the charge remains deductible if the State of residence of one of the companies involved in the transaction or series of transactions has applied a provision allowing the effects of the hybrid scheme concerned to be neutralised. Where this neutralisation is only partial, the deduction of the charge is allowed up to the amount of the part of the payment which has been neutralised in the other State.
4. Income attributed to the establishment of an entity not taken into account by the State in which it is located due to a hybrid arrangement is included in the income subject to corporation tax of this entity when it has its registered office in France. This rule applies unless France is required to exempt the income by virtue of a double taxation treaty with a third country.
5. Where a hybrid transfer is designed to give rise to withholding tax relief in respect of a payment from a financial instrument transferred to more than one of the parties involved in that transfer, the benefit of that relief is limited pro rata to the net taxable income relating to that payment.