I. – Interest on sums left with or made available to a company by an affiliated company, directly or indirectly, within the meaning of 12 of the article 39, are deductible :
a) Within the limit of those calculated on the basis of the rate provided for in the first paragraph of 3° of 1 of the same Article 39 or, if they are higher, on the basis of the rate that this borrowing company could have obtained from independent financial institutions or organisations under similar conditions;
b) (Repealed).
II. – (Repealed).
III. – (Repealed).
III bis. – The balance of the fraction of interest that is not immediately deductible, referred to in the sixth paragraph of II of this article in its wording prior to the entry into force of law no. 2018-1317 du 28 décembre 2018 de finances pour 2019, not charged at the close of the last financial year opened before 1 January 2019 shall be deductible under the same conditions as the undeducted net financial expenses mentioned in 1 of VI of Article 212 bis.
IV. – The provisions of the second paragraph of 3° of 1 of article 39 do not apply to companies governed by loi n° 47-1775 du 10 septembre 1947 portant statut de la coopération.