I.-The following are instituted:
1° A solidarity levy on income from assets mentioned in article L. 136-6 du code de la sécurité sociale;
2° Un prélèvement de solidarité sur les produits de placement mentionnés à l’article L. 136-7 of the same code.
II.-The solidarity levy mentioned in 1° of I of this article is assessed, controlled and collected according to the same rules and under the same securities, privileges and penalties as the contribution mentioned in article L. 136-6 of the Social Security Code, without application of I ter of the same article L. 136-6.
The solidarity levy mentioned in 2° of I of this article is assessed, controlled and collected according to the same rules and under the same securities, privileges and penalties as the contribution mentioned in article L. 136-7 of the social security code, without application of I ter of the same article L. 136-7.
III.-The rate of the solidarity levies mentioned in I is set at 7.5%.