I. – Economic interest groupings formed and operating under the conditions provided for in articles L. 251-1 to L. 251-23 of the French Commercial Code do not fall within the scope of 1 of article 206, but each of their members is personally liable, for the share of profits corresponding to his rights in the grouping, either to income tax, or to corporation tax if they are legal entities subject to that tax.
For the application of this provision, the distribution is made under the conditions laid down by the grouping contract or, failing that, by equal fractions.
II. – (Expired).
III. – Members of an economic interest grouping enjoy the same tax benefits as members of the sociétés conventionnées instituted by l’ordonnance n° 59-248 du 4 février 1959 (1) and the groupings referred to in Article 39 octies A, when they meet all the conditions laid down by these provisions.
(1) See art. 39 quinquies C, 40 quinquies and 93 ter.