I. – The management company of a fonds commun de placement à risques or a fonds professionnel de capital investissement or the manager of a société de libre partenariat whose regulations or articles of association provide that unit holders or members may benefit from the tax advantages provided for in 2° of 5 of article 38 and to the articles 163 quinquies B, 150-0 A, 209-0 A and 219 are required to complete and send to the tax department with which they file their income tax return a detailed annual return making it possible to assess:
1° At the end of each half-year of the financial year, the investment quota provided for in 1° of II of Article 163 quinquies B and the limit provided for in III of article L. 214-28 of the Monetary and Financial Code, or the investment quota and limit provided for in I and II of article L. 214-30 of the same code;
2° For each allocation, the conditions for applying 2° of 5 of article 38 and a sexies of I of article 219.
II. – Venture capital companies shall attach to their income tax returns a statement:
1° Enabling an assessment, at the end of each half-year of the financial year, of the investment quota and the limit provided for respectively in the third paragraph and the fourth paragraph of 1° of article 1-1 of law no. 85-695 of 11 July 1985 containing various economic and financial provisions;
2° For each distribution, the conditions for application of 5 of article 39 terdecies and of a sexies of the I of article 219.
III. – A decree in the Conseil d’Etat sets out the procedures for applying the reporting obligations mentioned in I and II.