1. Persons who ensure the payment of income from transferable capital referred to in articles 108 to 125 as well as income from capitalisation bonds or contracts and investments of the same nature are required to declare the identity and address of the beneficiaries as well as, by type of income, details of the taxable amount and the tax credit, the gross income subject to a levy and the amount of the said levy and the amount of exempt income.
This declaration does not concern:
1° Exempt income and interest referred to in 7°, 7° ter, 7° quater, 9° bis and 9° quater of article 157 ;
2° (Not applicable);
3° (Repealed);
4° Income from holdings distributed by a company that is a member of a tax group within the meaning of article 223 A or Article 223 A bis to a company that is a member of the same group.
For the purposes of drawing up the return referred to in the first paragraph, the persons responsible for paying it shall individualise the income distributed by the companies referred to in 2° of 3 of article 158 and by the bodies or companies mentioned in 4° of 3 of this same article with regard to their eligibility for the 40% allowance mentioned in 2° of 3 of article 158.
The declaration mentioned in the first paragraph must be made in accordance with the conditions and deadlines set by decree. A copy of this declaration must be sent to the beneficiaries of the income concerned.
It must be sent to the tax authorities using a computerised process.
1 bis. The provisions of 1 are applicable to income taxable under the conditions provided by Article 238 septies B. The declaration must be made by the person with whom the securities or rights are deposited or entered in an account or, in other cases, by the borrower.
2. (Repealed)
3. Persons who intervene in any capacity whatsoever in the conclusion of loan contracts or in the drafting of the deeds evidencing them are required to declare to the administration the date, amount and terms of the loan as well as the names and addresses of the lender and borrower.
This declaration shall be made in accordance with the conditions and time limits laid down by decree.