If it is found that the document was written or signed by the person who denied it, that person shall be sentenced to a civil fine of a maximum of 10,000 euros without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code of civil procedure | Book I: Provisions common to all courts | Title VII: Judicial administration of evidence. | Sub-title III: Disputes relating to literal evidence. | Chapter I: Disputes relating to private deeds. | Section I: Checking entries. | Subsection I: The audit incident. | Article 295 of the French Code of civil procedure
If it is found that the document was written or signed by the person who denied it, that person shall be sentenced to a civil fine of a maximum of 10,000 euros without prejudice to any damages that may be claimed.
S’il est jugé que la pièce a été écrite ou signée par la personne qui l’a déniée, celle-ci est condamnée à une amende civile d’un maximum de 10 000 euros sans préjudice des dommages-intérêts qui seraient réclamés.
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