I. – The deduction rights of businesses that publish the publications designated in article 298 septies are determined under the same conditions as for companies that become liable for this tax, taking into account, where applicable, any rights that have been exercised prior to that date.
II. – (Obsolete provision).
III. – The deduction rights of press distribution companies governed by loi n° 47-585 du 2 avril 1947, the société professionnelle des papiers de presse and press agencies included on the list provided for in Article 1 of Ordinance no. 45-2646 of 2 November 1945 as amended are determined under the same conditions as for businesses that become subject to value added tax, taking into account, if applicable, any rights that have been exercised prior to this date. The same applies to printing works that can prove that they devote more than 50% of their activity to the composition or printing of the publications mentioned in article 298 septies.