Where the referral to the public prosecutor concerns a prenatal acknowledgement or an acknowledgement concomitant with the declaration of birth, the child’s birth certificate shall be drawn up without any indication of this acknowledgement.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Civil Code | Book I: Individuals | Title VII: Parentage | Chapter II: Establishment of parentage | Section 2: Establishment of parentage by recognition | Article 316-4 of the French Civil Code
Where the referral to the public prosecutor concerns a prenatal acknowledgement or an acknowledgement concomitant with the declaration of birth, the child’s birth certificate shall be drawn up without any indication of this acknowledgement.
Lorsque la saisine du procureur de la République concerne une reconnaissance prénatale ou concomitante à la déclaration de naissance, l’acte de naissance de l’enfant est dressé sans indication de cette reconnaissance.
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