Where filiation is not established under the conditions laid down in Section I of this Chapter, it may be established by an acknowledgement of paternity or maternity, made before or after birth.
Acknowledgement establishes filiation only in respect of its author.
It is made in the birth certificate, by deed received by the civil registrar or by any other authenticated deed.
The record of recognition is drawn up on a declaration by its author, who proves:
1° His or her identity by an official document issued by a public authority containing his or her surname, first name, date and place of birth, photograph and signature as well as the identification of the authority that issued the document, the date and place of issue;
2° His or her domicile or residence by producing a supporting document dated less than three months. Where it is not possible to provide proof of domicile or residence and where the law has not set a commune as the place of residence, the author shall provide a certificate of election of domicile under the conditions set out in the article L. 264-2 du code de l’action sociale et des familles.
The deed includes the statements provided for in article 62 and a statement that the person making the acknowledgement has been informed of the divisible nature of the parent-child relationship thus established.