The judge may renew the measure for the same period.
However, when the alteration in the personal faculties of the person concerned described in article 425 clearly does not appear likely to improve according to current scientific knowledge, the judge may, by specially reasoned decision and on the advice of a doctor on the list referred to in article 431, renew the measure for a longer period that he determines, not exceeding twenty years.
The judge may, at any time, terminate the measure, modify it or substitute another measure provided for in this Title, after obtaining the opinion of the person responsible for the protective measure.
It shall rule ex officio or at the request of one of the persons mentioned in article 430, on the basis of a medical certificate and under the conditions provided for in article 432. However, the court may only increase the protection of the person concerned if it receives a request to this effect that complies with articles 430 and 431.