Any person of full age or an emancipated minor who is not the subject of a guardianship measure or family habilitation may instruct one or more persons, by a single mandate, to represent him or her in the event that, for one of the reasons provided for in article 425, he can no longer look after his interests alone.
The person under curatorship may only enter into a future protection mandate with the assistance of his curator.
Parents or the last surviving father and mother, who are not the subject of a curatorship or guardianship measure or family habilitation, who exercise parental authority over their minor child or assume the material and emotional care of their child of full age may, in the event that the child is no longer able to provide for his or her interests alone for one of the reasons provided for in article 425, appoint one or more mandatories to represent him or her. This appointment takes effect from the day on which the mandator dies or is no longer able to care for the person concerned.
The mandate is concluded by notarial deed or by private deed. However, the mandate provided for in the third paragraph may only be concluded by notarial deed.