The retail price of each product, expressed per 1,000 units or per 1,000 grams, is the same throughout France and is freely determined by manufacturers and approved suppliers. For each package, the retail price of the product is equal to this single price multiplied by the capacity of the package, then rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5 euro cents. For each product and each package, the retail price is applicable after being approved by a joint order of the ministers responsible for health and the budget, under conditions defined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. However, it may not be approved if it is less than the sum of the cost price and all taxes.
Manufactured tobaccos sold or imported into Corsica are those that have been approved in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph. However, the retail selling price applicable to these products in Corsica is determined under the conditions provided for in Article 575 E bis.
In the event of a change in selling price, and on the express instruction of the administration, tobacco retailers are required to declare, within five days of the date on which the new prices come into force, the quantities in their possession on that date. This declaration must be made electronically. However, tobacco retailers who do not have access to an information system enabling them to access the Internet, due to the lack of coverage of the location in which their outlet is located by one or more networks offering access to electronic communications, shall draw up their declaration on paper.