Expenditure taken into account to determine the amount of selective aid is capped at 80% of the production budget for the work or, in the case of an international co-production, 80% of the French participation.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Cinema and Moving Image Code | Appendix: GENERAL RULES FOR FINANCIAL AID FROM THE CENTRE NATIONAL DU CINÉMA ET DE L'IMAGE ANIMÉE | Book VI: SUPPORT FOR VIDEO BROADCASTING AND TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION | Title II: FINANCIAL AID FOR THE USE OF DIGITAL VISUAL EFFECTS AND ANIMATION TECHNIQUES | Chapter II: Financial aid for the production of cinematographic or audiovisual works using animation techniques | Section 1: Purpose and award conditions | Article 622-5 of the French Cinema and Moving Image Code
Expenditure taken into account to determine the amount of selective aid is capped at 80% of the production budget for the work or, in the case of an international co-production, 80% of the French participation.
Les dépenses prises en compte pour la détermination du montant de l’aide sélective sont plafonnées à 80 % du budget de production de l’œuvre ou, en cas de coproduction internationale, à 80 % de la participation française.
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