The competent court is that of the place where the accused resides, that of his last known residence, that of the place where he is found, that of the residence of the victim or, if the offence was committed on board or against an aircraft, or the victims of the offence were persons on board an aircraft, that of the place of take-off, destination or landing of the aircraft. These provisions are not exclusive of the possible application of the specific rules of jurisdiction provided by articles 628-1,697-3,704-1,705,706-17,706-75,706-107,706-108 et 706-176.
The Paris court has concurrent jurisdiction with that resulting from the first sentence of the first paragraph. Where the public prosecutor at a judicial court other than the Paris court requests the investigating judge hearing an offence falling within the scope of Chapter I of this Title to relinquish jurisdiction in favour of the Paris investigating court, the articles 628-2 and 628-6 sont applicables.