In peacetime, crimes and offences against the fundamental interests of the Nation shall be investigated and tried by the ordinary courts and according to the rules of this Code.
When the acts prosecuted constitute a crime or an offence provided for and punished by articles 411-1 to 411-11 and 413-1 to 413-12 of the Criminal Code or a related offence, jurisdiction is vested in the courts provided for and organised by the articles 697 et 698-6. The Public Prosecutor, the Judicial Court and the Assize Court of Paris shall also have jurisdiction throughout France in accordance with the procedures set out in articles 628-1 to 628-6 and 698-6.
If the criminal court referred to in article 697 declares that it does not have jurisdiction to hear the case brought before it, it shall refer the prosecution to proceed as it sees fit; it may, after hearing the prosecution, by the same decision issue a committal or arrest warrant against the accused.