The public prosecutor, the examining magistrate and the specialised correctional panel of the judicial court referred to in article 706-107 exercise, throughout the area of jurisdiction determined pursuant to this article, concurrent jurisdiction to that resulting from the application of articles 43,52,382 and 706-42.
They also exercise, under the same conditions, concurrent jurisdiction with that resulting from the following jurisdictional criteria:
1° Place of registration of the vessel, craft or platform or of its attachment in customs;
2° Place where the vessel, craft or platform is or may be found.
The specialised court seised shall remain competent, regardless of the incriminations retained when the case is settled or judged. However, if the acts constitute a contravention, the investigating judge shall order the case to be referred to the competent police court pursuant to article 522 or to the competent local court pursuant to article 522-1.